Update - Thursday, 3/27/25 (2:00 PM).
5th to 8th Grade Math Boot Camp
In Mr. Bailey's Classroom - Upper Campus Room #1.
TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 3/27/25 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
6th Grade
Course 1 Math
CAASSP Interim Review Sessions.
6th Science
Use of Microscope Lab Sketching.
7th Grade
Course 2 Math
Chapter #8 - Circles and Area.
Lesson 8.3 - Areas of Circles
Text P.336 (3,4,6,7)
Text P.337 (13,22,23,24,25)
CAASSP Interim Review Sessions.
7th Science
Chapter #5 Section #2 - The Cell Cycle (P.152 to P.157)
P.151 (1-5) ALL
P.157 (1-4) ALL
P.162 (1-12) ALL
Water Neighbors Microorganisms Lab.
Science Career Report (More information to come.)
8th Grade
Course 3 Math
Exponent Processing Quiz is on Friday, 3/28/25.
CAASSP Interim Review Sessions.
8th Science
Chemical Equation Balancing Worksheet (1-10) ALL
School Year 24/25 School Supply List for Mathematics and Science.
Graph Paper - 200 Sheets (5 squares per inch)
Compass - 1 (Plastic or Metal)
Protractor - (Plastic)
Binder Paper 100 Sheets (College Ruled)
Calculator 1 (Basic Functions)
Ruler 1 (Plastic) (Metric / Standard)
Colored Pencils 1 (Set of 20.)
Pencils 12 (Cedar Pencils Preferred))
Scissors (Small blunt tipped)
Glue Stick- 1 (Small size)
Pouched Folders 4 (Standard sized)
Colored Markers 1 (Multi-Color Set) (Optional)
Thank you.
Mr. Bailey
(530) 250-7355 (CELL)
(530) 254-6577 (SCHOOL)
E-Mail : rbailey@shafferschool.com